
Wednesday 25 November 2015

The funniest day ever.

Have you ever had a writing test before?

This term on the 29th of october room 6, 7 and 8’s literacy class is having a writing test. We only have 40 minutes so we have to keep writing, after that  Mrs somerville said do your best at the test so i am trying my hardest to write as well as i did before.

Before school started our teachers had something made for us, so we can write about it. What our teachers had made for us was some soft nice cream on some weetbix, and some apples. We all had to get into two buddies, my buddie was aysha. When we started the people who were eating had to put there hands behind their backs and the other one who wasn’t eating had to put their hands into our our arms, then start eating, i think we had like one minute to start eating. There only could be four boys and four girls.

It was so funny the cream went up my nose, anyways me my buddie had actually won like we haven’t  won before for but yeah it still was cool and funny at the same time. Then it was time to swap over. When we first started i felt anxious because there were lots of people and kids playing it as well, i didn’t care as long as everybody had fun like i did it was so funny.

My friends are very funny cause like lots of them had shoved it into their buddies faces and rushing them to eat it, some had dropped everything and some just dropped there apple.  It was very “disgusting” because it was mixed with weetbix, cream and apple.

My favorite part about that was watching my friend shove the weetbix in their buddies faces “ Hahaha”. I laughed so hard i nearly cried. Also i really wanted to say thank you to all the teachers but i was still laughing. When we were done all of us ran inside instead of helping our teachers but some of the kids helped. It was an amazing day and it was very entertaining for us kids. “ Thank you teachers for doing that for us”. We are so thankful for yous...            

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